brownie bear jones

It has been a long, long time! Mommy is in over her head with too much work to do, but thought she would write a few words. Daddy has found his dream job and is thrilled. Max is huge, and will soon be able to carry mommy on HIS shoulders.

Max has started chewing on things all the time – mommy is not sure why. She hopes he’s not nervous about something.

We have decided to name the hamster Brownie Bear Jones. We did our ritual Brownie walk where we let him lose in our long hallway and man the open end so he cant get past us and into the wild messy yonder of the living room.

Mommy feels weird talking to adults; the conversations seem strangely calm with their marked lack of unrelenting requests for a pet dog, parrot, platypus, or alligator.

~ by chootiya on June 16, 2010.

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